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                Company Profile

                       Shandong Fanglei Rose Group Co., Ltd. (Fanglei Rose Group for short) is a comprehensive enterprise integrating agricultural development, tourism, rose scientific research and high-end essential oil. With a registered capital of 39 million RMB, the group was officially launched on January 29, 2018. At present, Fanglei Rose Group has achieved an annual output of 2000 tons of dried roses, and is listed as a key project and leading agricultural enterprise of Jinan City.

                Consisting of 7 wholly owned subsidiaries, Fanglei Rose Group has realized the layout of the whole rose industry chain.

                Shandong Fanglei Rose Technology Development Co., Ltd.--- with more than 25000 m2 of selenium-enriched rose planting base, the company has fulfilled standard planting, picking and processing, and established complete product traceability system.

                Shandong Rose Town E-shopping Electronic Commerce Co., Ltd.---operating multiple platforms at the same time, concentrating on on-line sales in China.

                Shandong Fanglei Wanjia Rose Sales Co., Ltd.--- building LKA and CKA sales channels, committing to offline sales in China.

                Shandong Fanglei International Trading Co., Ltd.--- managing the international business of Fanglei Rose Group, and involving in the international trading of multiple industries at the same time.

                Hebei Fanglei Agricultural Science and Technology Co., Ltd.--- with the characteristics of the times, building the back yard garden of Xiongan New Area.

                Fanglei Hong Kong Co. Limited--- covering the sales of rose essential oil and rose tea in Hong Kong.

                Pingyin Fragrance Rose Research Institute--- breaking through the boundaries of rose products and achieving  cross-border technology research and development.

                Fanglei Rose Group has made brilliant achievements on product R & D and qualifications: Four product series have been established---Rose Tea Health Care Series, Rose Wine Delighting Series, Rose Oil Beauty Care Series and Rose Jam Nourishing Series; More than a dozen of self-owned brands are registered---Fanglei Rose, Biandimeigui, Youlanmeizhi, Her Smile, Hualuomi, Meiqu etc.; A dozen of patents are approved on production and technology, including Photoelectric Microwave Drying Technology, product formulations etc.; Various certifications and honors are issued and awarded --- “HACCP Certification”, “Municipal Agricultural Leading Enterprise”, “Benevolent Enterprise”, “Gold medal of the Fourteenth China Forest Products Fair”, “the Identified Products of Geographical Indication Protection” etc.; Five enterprise standards have been formulated; Three industry standards have been applied...

                Fanglei Rose Group has always been advocating the core values of “integrity, dedication, courage and responsibility” adhering to the business philosophy of "creating first-class products and writing beautiful life with rose", and insisting on the principle of "innovative development and win through high quality". In the following time, Fanglei Rose  Group will continue to make friends around the world, achieve mutual benefits, build a century enterprise, and open up a new prospect for the development of Chinese roses.

                Copyright ? Shandong Fanglei Rose Group Co., Ltd.

                2713 Sunshine Finance Centre, Long'ao Bei Street, Jinan Innovation Zone, Shandong Province, China

                Tel: +86(0)531 55515030  Email: info@fangleirose.com

                79, 1/F, Block 2, Camelpaint Building, 62 Hoi Yuen Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong

                Tel: +852 63982160  Email: hello@fangleirose.com

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