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                Shandong Fanglei Rose Technology Development Co., Ltd.

                Shandong Fanglei Rose Technology Development Co., Ltd.(Fanglei Rose for short) is located in the historical origin of roses, the Rose Town of China -- Pingyin County in Ji'nan City. With a total investment of 120 million RMB, Fanglei Rose covers an area of more than 67000 m2 where 35000㎡of production plant and comprehensive test building, and 7800㎡of GMP standard workshop are constructed. Fanglei Rose is  the designated rose planting and processing base of the National Forestry Bureau and China Flower Association.

                With science and technology as the support, professional processing as the guarantee, Fanglei Rose is a large-scale production enterprise. Producing products with high added value and high technology content, Fanglei Rose plays a leading role in China rose industry. In 2016, the production and research base of Qilu Industrial University and the research and production practice base of Chengdu University were successively unveiled in the company. With the establishment of Pingyin Fragrance Rose R&D Institute in 2017, Fanglei Rose will be writing a new chapter.

                Fanglei Rose owns a number of food and cosmetics brand, such as Fanglei, Her Smile, Youlanmeizhi etc. More than 30 kinds of beauty and skin care products are successfully developed from effective components extracted from rose. The first phase of the project has been licensed for the production of four major health-care food products, including flower tea, preserves, donkey hide gelatin bar and liqueur. The second phase of the project, the production of cosmetics and disinfection products, is being completed soon.

                The company has established 2500,000 M2 of selenium-enriched rose planting base, and is committed to building a complete traceability system for Rose products. At present, the company has reached the production scale of 300 tons of rose corolla and rose bud, 300 tons of rose wine, 300 tons of rose jam, 15 tons of donkey hide gelatin bar, 100 tons of rose water and 10 kilograms of rose essential oil, and the scale is still expanding.

                From 2017 to 2020, we will develop a series of new products in accordance with international standards to make Pingyin rose really go abroad; we will realize the sales revenue of 500 million yuan, a profit and tax of 80 million yuan, and a foreign exchange-earning of 50 million yuan; we will produce high quality and high standard products to lay a solid foundation for entering the international market and realizing the second five-year plan.

                Copyright ? Shandong Fanglei Rose Group Co., Ltd.

                2713 Sunshine Finance Centre, Long'ao Bei Street, Jinan Innovation Zone, Shandong Province, China

                Tel: +86(0)531 55515030  Email: info@fangleirose.com

                79, 1/F, Block 2, Camelpaint Building, 62 Hoi Yuen Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong

                Tel: +852 63982160  Email: hello@fangleirose.com

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