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                Shandong Fanglei Wanjia Rose Sales Co., Ltd.

                Shandong Fanglei Wanjia Rose Sales Co., Ltd. (Hereinafter referred to as Fanglei Wanjia) is a professional offline sales company with sufficient customer resources and rich marketing experience. The company was founded in 2017 with a registered capital of 10 million RMB, affiliated with Shandong Fanglei Rose Group Co., Ltd. Fanglei Wanjia is located in Jinan, a beautiful spring city in Shandong Province. The company has more than 20 employees, working in Circulation Department, Specific-channel Department, Business Department, Service Department, Airport Specialty Stores, etc. With the efforts of all staff, Fanglei Wanjia has created a professional sales team of rose products. By virtue of the spirit of honesty, pioneering, service, and the concept of profession, concentration, responsibility, the company is entering a new period of comprehensive development, developing in the exploration, and moving forward in the innovation.

                Fanglei wanjia is committed to long-term development, striving to take root in the Shandong market and quickly covering the overall domestic market. In 2017, the preliminary establishment of sales network in Shandong market has been completed. At the current stage, the company is targeted to build the northwest of Shandong market with Jinan city and its surroundings as core strategic areas, the southwest of Shandong market with Zaozhuang city and Linyi city as its center, and the eastern area of Shandong around Qingdao city as the key development market.

                The goal of development in the future is to quickly occupy key markets in such cities as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen on the basis of stabilizing the Shandong market to creat conditions for becoming a top-class professional manufacturer of rose products, to enhance popularity of “Fanglei Rose” in the industry, gradually grow up to a successful enterprise with fast development.

                Copyright ? Shandong Fanglei Rose Group Co., Ltd.

                2713 Sunshine Finance Centre, Long'ao Bei Street, Jinan Innovation Zone, Shandong Province, China

                Tel: +86(0)531 55515030  Email: info@fangleirose.com

                79, 1/F, Block 2, Camelpaint Building, 62 Hoi Yuen Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong

                Tel: +852 63982160  Email: hello@fangleirose.com

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