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                Shandong Rose Town E-shopping Electronic Commerce Co., Ltd.

                Shandong Rose Town E-shopping Electronic Commerce Co., Ltd.(Herein after refered to as Rose Town E-shopping), subsidiary to Shandong Fanglei Rose Group Co., Ltd., is a professional e-commerce company with the comprehensive strength of planting, R&D, production and sales. Currently the company has entered such domestic e-commerce platforms as Taobao, T-mall and Jingdong. For the long-term sustainable development, the company is in implementation of multi-brands and stores as the development patterns, and focuses more on branding, professionalization and brand construction on the basis of existing business scope.

                The company is mainly engaged in such products as food, other functional food, rose essential oil, cosmetics, beverage and drinks, and services including import&export trade and house-keeping, etc. The team of this company is professional in operation and promotion and experienced in cooperation with multi-commodity of manufacturers. With the popularity of network and consumer group’s reliance on online shopping, e-commerce is being one of major sales models. Rose Town E-shopping always provides best products and services on the basis of the quality of guarantee, the credibility of survival and the technology of development. By virtue of rich operation experience and strong R&D strength, it is sincerely expected to have win-win cooperation with customers all over the world and to create a bright future.

                Copyright ? Shandong Fanglei Rose Group Co., Ltd.

                2713 Sunshine Finance Centre, Long'ao Bei Street, Jinan Innovation Zone, Shandong Province, China

                Tel: +86(0)531 55515030  Email: info@fangleirose.com

                79, 1/F, Block 2, Camelpaint Building, 62 Hoi Yuen Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong

                Tel: +852 63982160  Email: hello@fangleirose.com

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