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                Why Choose Fanglei?

                Reasonable Price

                ? Fanglei has established above 3700 acres of planting base of its own, as a professional manufacturer of rose products, we have the powerful strength to offer the best price, the stable supply and the best services to our customers.

                High Standard and Stable Quality

                ? Self-owned planting base to guarantee supply and quality of products and perfect traceability system of products to ensure every step to be controlled. 

                Excellent Rose Cultivar (Pingyin Rose rugosa cv. Plena)

                ? Pingyin Rose rugosa cv. Plena is chosen as raw material, which is planted in Rose Hometown of China with the planting history of 1300 years. It is featured and noted for its large size of flower, gorgeous color, aromatic fragrance, and high content of rose oil, and riched in anthocyanins, vitamins and flavone. What’s the most important, it is medicinal and edible.

                Geographic Advantage

                ? The location of east longitude 116° and north latitude 36° provides sufficient conditions of rich?soil, four distinct seasons, adequate lighting, and rain-less florescence for rose’s growth.  

                ? Our company is close to Qingdao, Tianjin port and next to Jinan International Airport.

                OEM/ODM Offered

                ? We can offer professional OEM/ODM service, with the price negotiable upon quantity.

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                Copyright ? Shandong Fanglei Rose Group Co., Ltd.

                2713 Sunshine Finance Centre, Long'ao Bei Street, Jinan Innovation Zone, Shandong Province, China

                Tel: +86(0)531 55515030  Email: info@fangleirose.com

                79, 1/F, Block 2, Camelpaint Building, 62 Hoi Yuen Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong

                Tel: +852 63982160  Email: hello@fangleirose.com

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