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                Fanglei Rose Gorgeously Blossoming in BRIFE of HongKong

                The First Best and Road International Food Expo (BRIFE) with theme of exploiting unprecedented opportunities of global food industry was held on June 27 at the Asia World-Expo in HongKong. BRIFE was strongly supported by the Investment and Promotion Department of Hong Kong and concerned institutes of domestic and foreign and appealed to thousands of enterprises in food industries from 35 countries and regions for the exhibition. As a professional manufacturer of rose products well-known in China, Fanglei Rose was invited to participate the exhibition.


                Subject to rigorous review by experts in food and package designing industries from home and abroad, Fanglei Rose Corolla Tea won the Merit Award of The Finest Featured Food and the Gold Award of The Best Beverage Packaging Design with its absolute advantage, which is the strongest proof that Fanglei Rose products are gradually obtaining recognition throughout the international market.


                During the expo, Fanglei rose products, represented by rose corolla tea, attracted a number of worldwide buyers to Fanglei booth for enquiry and business negotiation for cooperation. Fanglei Rose was highly recognized by buyers for its products of good quality and powerful strength. Many buyers confirmed and reached cooperative intention and some of them placed the order and signed the contract on the spot.



                Fanglei’s awards obtained in BRIFE and excellent performance during the period has made a stable base for its implementation of enterprise global strategy and will contribute to fully opening up and stepping into international market and to promoting Fanglei products spread all over the world.

                prev:Fanglei Rose is to Exploit Large-scale Rose Garden of High Grade in Bulgaria next:Fanglei Rose Group Shone Brilliantly during the 124th Canton Fair

                Copyright ? Shandong Fanglei Rose Group Co., Ltd.

                2713 Sunshine Finance Centre, Long'ao Bei Street, Jinan Innovation Zone, Shandong Province, China

                Tel: +86(0)531 55515030  Email: info@fangleirose.com

                79, 1/F, Block 2, Camelpaint Building, 62 Hoi Yuen Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong

                Tel: +852 63982160  Email: hello@fangleirose.com

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