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                The Medical and Edible Functions of Rose (Rose rugosa cv. Plena)

                Rose flowers are warm in nature and sweet in flavor. It has the efficacy in regulating the flow of vital energy, relieving depression, invigorating the circulation of blood, regulating menstruation, regulating the liver and stimulating the menstrual flow. Therefore it is a good medicine for the treatment of gynopathy, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, traumatic injuries and mental disorder. In China, rose buds have been used as medicine for hundreds of years, whose medicinal applicability is recorded in many medical literatures. As per Materia Medica Canon: rose, with strong aroma, fresh and not turbid, warm and not excessive, nourishes liver and stomach, regulates qi, activates blood circulation and dredges the meridian. Rather than a drastic medicine, rose could relieve the symptoms with effect progressively and mildly. The unique properties of rose cannot be replaced by any others.  It is said in Supplement to Materia Medica that rose can activate and regulate blood circulation, regulate qi, and has noticeable effect for the treatment of wandering arthritis, mastalgia, the early stage of hepatic venom, and the stomachache due to emotional depression and the hyperactive liver-qi attacking the stomach. According to Aroma Florilegium by Mr. Xiangjin Wang, rose is with aromatic fragrance and bright color, could be widely applied for tea, wine and medicine. The description of rose flower in Edible Herbal Medicine compiled by Mr. Kecheng Yao is that with features of warm nature, sweet flavour and slight bitter, it is non-poisonous and mainly works on lung and spleen. It is beneficial to liver and gallbladder to eliminate the toxin in the human body. Whats more important, it is edible, taste fragrant, sweet and deliciousAnyone who eats the rose flower will be feeling refreshed.


                Since the Ming Dynasty, rose flowers have been used for rose wine, rose jam and rose pastry in Pingyin. In Pingyin city of the late Qing Dynasty, the rose wine made by the firm named Ji Sheng He was famous for its delicious and sweet taste, the brewing techniques have been followed and developed till now. In 2002, the rose tea was awarded "divine tea" and "star of Chinese tea" by industry experts at the Global Tea Fair held in Beijing. Since then, production and sales of rose tea has been steadily on the increasing, output of which increased up to 3000 tons per year in 2014. Rose essential oil extracted from fresh rose flowers enjoys the global reputation of "the queen of essential oil kingdom" and "the flowing gold". It is featured for its high purity and aromatic flavor, popular in fragrance industry as senior spice, and also be used for flavoring technology in food, chemical and cosmetic industries.

                The rose is not only rich in 18 kinds of amino acids and vitamins essential to human body, but also has the medicinal efficacy in regulating vital energy, invigorating circulation of blood, strengthening liver and tonifying spleen. Besides obvious functions in health and beauty care, it can also make the person fragrant in the whole body for a long time after long-termly and regularly eating rose flower or drinking rose tea as there are aroma ingredients contained in the rose. Currently, eating essential oil pills and drinking rose water are popular. Rose food and drinks have become a top grade choice in daily diet.

                On March 9th 2010, the Ministry of Public Health of China issued the proclamation on approval of DHA algal oil, cotton-seed oligosaccharide and other 7 items as new resources food and other relevant regulations (Document No.3 effective in 2010), in which the rose (Rose rugosa cv. Plena) is approved to be adopted in production and business as common food. So far, Rose rugosa cv. Plena has been the sole rose variety authorized to be for both medicinal and edible use in China.

                prevthe Recommended Drinking Way of Rose nextThe Happiness of Eating Flowers --- Rose Peanut Squares

                Copyright ? Shandong Fanglei Rose Group Co., Ltd.

                2713 Sunshine Finance Centre, Long'ao Bei Street, Jinan Innovation Zone, Shandong Province, China

                Tel: +86(0)531 55515030  Email: info@fangleirose.com

                79, 1/F, Block 2, Camelpaint Building, 62 Hoi Yuen Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong

                Tel: +852 63982160  Email: hello@fangleirose.com

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